Did you watch the NBC hurricane relief telethon? Interesting to hear Tim McGraw sing acoustic. His choice of doing his BBQ stain song (never remember the real title!) was interesting as it starts by mentioning Labor Day (timely!) and mentions going to New Orleans, but somehow it seemed odd with all the spiritual music that was sung. Still, it was noteworthy to hear him sing it that way.
Both he and Faith were clearly emotional, but what the show needed was Garth, a man who can really emote suffering and salvation. Faith belted out her gospel numbers with teary eyes, but her voice isn't really evocative. Where's the heart and soul?
Of all the perfomers, it was Aaron Neville (a bad dresser to the extreme) who made the best song choice with the flood song. I read somewhere it was a Randy Newman song. It would have been great to hear Tim tackle that song!
Lastly, why didn't they point out that Tim's been working with the Red Cross for quite some time and is not a johnny-come-lately to the cause? He should have been one of the major spokespeople on the special.
And although it has nothing to do with country music, Kayne West was the most important performer on the entire program. He's like the Toby Keith of the rap world -- not afraid to say what's on his mind and in doing so express what a lot of people are thinking.